International Credential Verification (ICV) System
This is where you are able to search for addiction professionals, located in 47 U.S. States and 18 countries, who have earned professional credentials from Breining Institute.
Search Results
The search results will include credential holders who are current on their certification. Credential holders may renew their credential up to one year prior to their Renewal Date, or up to two years after their Renewal Date. After that time, they will need to start the credentialing process from the beginning.
Credential Renewal
All Breining-certified professionals need to renew their credentials every two years. The number of continuing education (CE) required is at least 40-hours every two years, and CE coursework may be obtained from any legitimate source, including Breining’s online CE courses.
Use the link below to use the online renewal form for all credentials:
Here is a link to the Breining Institute Online Continuing Education (CE) page to help you complete your continuing education (CE) requirement:
Registered Service Marks
These credentials are registered service marks of Breining Institute, and may only be used by professionals who have been awarded these credentials by Breining Institute:
“Registered Addiction Specialist” and “RAS” credentials: Service Mark Reg. No. 65739, Class Number 41
“Clinical Supervisor Credential” and “CSC” credentials: Service Mark Reg. No. 66826, Class Number 41
“Master Counselor in Addictions” and “MCA” credentials: Service Mark Reg. No. 66746, Class Number 41
“Medication-Assisted Treatment Counselor” and “MATC” credentials: Service Mark Reg. No. 66622, Class Number 41
“Forensic Addictions Counselor” and “FAC” credentials: Service Mark Reg. No. 66627, Class Number 41
“Certified Co-occurring Disorders Specialist” and “CCDS” credentials: Service Mark Reg. No. 67864, Class Number 41
“Certified Women’s Treatment Specialist” and “CWTS” credentials: Service Mark Reg. No. 67863, Class Number 41
“Certified Case Manager Interventionist” and “CCMI” credentials: Service Mark Reg. No. 121265, Class Number 41